A third of Canadians hold negative, intolerant views of marginalized, minority groups

July 18, 2019 — In Acceptance and Intolerance in Canada – our definitive, in-depth study of Canadian perceptions and attitudes regarding marginalized and minority groups in the country – we found that a third (33%) of Canadians hold explicitly negative, intolerant views of at least one group in society. However, we also found that an additional quarter (23%) of Canadians express somewhat more subtle forms of prejudice and bigotry.   

Conducted over the course of 7 waves of research throughout 2018 and 2019, Acceptance and Intolerance in Canada is a subscription-based, in-depth syndicated study that has uncovered and tracked Canadian perceptions and attitudes regarding women, visible minorities, religious minorities, Indigenous Canadians, LGBTQ2 and transgender Canadians, Canadians with disabilities, and immigrants.

Most (67%) Canadians are positive or neutral about all 14 groups tested in this study, whereas a third (33%) express some degree of negativity or intolerance. But, while four-in-ten (44%) view everyone and themselves equally, a quarter (23%) rate their race, religion, or sexual orientation higher than other groups, revealing an arguably less overt form of prejudice and intolerance.

While some demographic groups are less tolerant than others, neither gender, age or region is a major factor in determining levels of tolerance.  Instead, exposure or proximity to different groups in society is – by far – the most powerful predictor of intolerance. A secondary and meaningful driver of intolerance is education – which can be an indirect form of exposure, introducing information about other communities and viewpoints. Although those facing economic instability or decline are somewhat more likely to be intolerant, income does not emerge as a strong driver of intolerance in our advanced statistical analysis.   

To learn more, read our overview report

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